Catering the Bay Area’s Offices, Today

October 6th, 2021

Catering the Bay Area’s Offices, Today

How Just Fare continues to cater SF Bay Area offices safely amidst a pandemic

Providing office goers with delicious food is a valuable endeavor, now more than ever. While the crowds are much smaller, their desire for a good meal is not. Good food builds culture, fuels productivity, fosters connection, wellness, and creates a sanctuary for employees. Enjoying a delicious, healthful meal at work offers some much needed respite during these times.

We can enjoy coming to work and also keep each other safe. Good food is an important part of that!

Our Office Catering and Snack & Drink programs prioritize community health in multiple ways. First, proof of vaccination is now required from all Just Fare employees. We also go to great lengths to ensure all of operations are to the utmost health and safety standards. And by reducing interactions with restaurant attendants and crowds of customers, our programs are intrinsically one of the more socially distanced ways to get a meal.

These are three examples of how our Office Catering and Snack & Drink programs are able to feed people safely, today. Read The Fare Safety Promise for more detailed information about the measures we are taking so that we can continue to provide catering services that meet if not exceed all CDC guidelines and instill confidence in our clients.

Our business relies on our ability to feed people safely. But our Office Catering and Snack & Drink programs do even more than that. Providing your employees with delicious, healthy meals and snacks in-house has the added benefits of minimizing individual meal time transportation, which gives people more time to enjoy their break and also reduces their overall carbon footprint. Who knew your food could do that?

Just Fare is good food. Good food is wellness, nourishment, and a reason to move forward. We are proud to feed people here in the SF Bay Area — whether it be through our Office Catering and Snack & Drink programs, Events and a la carte Event Platters, Community Kitchen, or helping folks feed themselves and their colleagues by building kitchens that are efficient, sustainable, and beautiful with our Design team.

Sometimes our food is vegan, gluten free, or both. Sometimes it is comforting everyday eats. Sometimes it’s a one-of-a-kind menu for a small party or corporate event. Regardless of the tastes and preferences we are catering to that day, it is always delicious, it is always well-sourced, and it is always made by people who are well taken care of. Our goal is to have the opportunity to continue to feed (y)our communities for a long time, and in order to do that we must do so safely and responsibly. For each other and for our planet.

We are in unprecedented times that will continue to call for solutions we haven’t dreamt up yet. When we think creatively, we will thrive.

With Gratitude,
